
Harry Potter and the Policy Makers

2030. The ministry of Magic had finally decided to come out of the shadow and officially merge with the Muggle world. Frank Dursley, an ambitious young Muggle, freshly graduate from Oxford management department, becomes the new Associate Deputy Minister for Well-Being of Magical Creatures.

Recently, there has been quite some unrest regarding the house elves situation. Frank doesn't know much about house elves, nor does he care much about them. He does remember from reading the Harry Potter books many years ago that elves are bound to serve their master forever unless they are given some piece of clothing, and as a result many of them only wear a dirty, torn handkerchief, symbol of their servitude.

Frank is not going to order the liberation of elves. This would simply oppose all elves owners, and it would potentially be the end of his own political career. Another option that's not on the table is to give house elves the right to vote. We are not in the 18th century, time is not to Goblin Rebellions anymore.

If Frank feels the soul of a reformer, he will maybe pass a decree forcing masters to give their elves proper, clean garments once a week, that aren't technically clothes, but allowing those who wear them a bit of dignity. Although even that may be too much for his new elves owners friends.

As it stands, Frank would gladly ignore the issue all at once. His predecessors have done exactly that, and many of them are now enjoying top governmental positions. But times have changed. The public opinion supports elves. At least, the Party voters opinion. Frank doesn't care much about voters. He never was elected: he was nominated. But the Party leadership needs to show they are doing something for elves.

So Dursley introduces a new bill. Elves owners are not to be called "Masters" anymore, but "privileged human interlocutor". And elves can't be called "servants", much less "slaves", but "non-human assistant personnel".

Many ancient pure-blood families think that the bill is too extreme, and that it threatens their cultural heritage and their way of life. Public debates are raging among wizard and non-wizards. Dursley makes quite a name for himself. A divisive name, but in politics being divisive is sometimes key to success. A name that only house elves aren't hearing of, but house elves don't vote. This could be the perfect launchpad for a full post of Secretary of State. With a little luck, with a little skill, and with a little help from his friend, Dursley may even become the youngest Minister for Magic in a century.
Someone needs to start making Harry Pottery. There's a fortune to be made there. Send me my 10 per cent if you capitalize the idea. I'll be holding my breath waiting for the royalties.
Why would the Ministry of Magic ever let a muggle into a position in the first place
@A_0123456 said in #4:
> Why would the Ministry of Magic ever let a muggle into a position in the first place
He's a Dursley, wholesome and full of virtue!

Not some crumbreaded barcomber from Yooterwind!
Surely the elves owners can be paid a handsome compensation with tax money, you know, for losing their slaves? That has to be more convenient than compensating the elves themselves.

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