
Government Is Slavery

<<<< Government is by definition violence >>>>

No, that's you redefining words.
>By paying taxes you pay the goverment money to build infrastracture , school ,
>hospitals and help the goverment pay the workeers( teachers, doctors, army etc).

In other words "I'm a little fucking child that doesn't know the first thing about what it means to take responsibility for providing for myself or acting morally, therefore I want a big daddy government to tax everyone violently to maintain my fantasy of being able to abdicate my responsibility, never-mind how immoral, abusive, and violent that big daddy acts."

Did you read the thread? I have mentioned numerous times that no human needs or services justify VIOLENCE being committed against peaceful people. You also need to somehow justify the fact that a huge amount of the money collected for taxes is used to murder and pillage the planet and all of its people for corporate profits. No infrastructure or "goodies" provided by your precious big daddy can excuse that.

.>In Sweden , which is one of the best country in the world , the tax rate is about 70% , give or take

"Best" is subjective. You have made no argument here for anything at all. Taxation is theft, period.

>Stop trying to launch a riot on a chess site.

I'm speaking the truth, that you have failed to even address, much less refute.

>You should study something before speaking, oh wait , you have to pay taxes to do that.

I should study "something"? Like what? I'll tell you what you should study:

No taxes are not necessary for one to be able to study. That's a ridiculous statement that reveals a deep-seated authoritarian brainwashing. Maybe you should learn something about how the "education" system works and what it does:

>If I run a stop sign and maim or kill you it's your fault because "you
>are desperately afraid of letting go of placing blame outside yourself,
>your ego is scared shitless to admit your role in the problem and take
>responsibility for it. All too typical, and the root of the problems with
>the world today."

>Maybe it's your ego that won't admit something.

That makes no sense, it's not a valid comparison, because I have nothing to do with your driving choices. Taxpayers have a choice to stop the funding. This is the same kind of blatant twisted logic that assumed because I was for self defense that I was justifying military aggression. I start to wonder if you are trolling it's so retarded. If I see any more of this retarded bullshit, I'm going to ignore it.
<<<< Government is by definition violence >>>>

>No, that's you redefining words.

No, it's Max Weber's definition, (quoted earlier in the thread, you remember?) and is considered one of the most authoritative, and accurate to the way every government on earth behaves. What is your definition?
While there is a definite connection between consumers/citizens and government militarism, you incorrectly place most (all?) of the blame on the entity with the least power and responsibility for those actions.

"Dropping out" won't change things until some threshold is crossed. The hippies tried that. Good for them, but it didn't work.

The thing that's going to stop US militarism is Earth.
<<<< That makes no sense, it's not a valid comparison, because I have nothing to do with your driving choices. Taxpayers have a choice to stop the funding. This is the same kind of blatant twisted logic that assumed because I was for self defense that I was justifying military aggression. I start to wonder if you are trolling it's so retarded. If I see any more of this retarded bullshit, I'm going to ignore it. >>>>

When I run the stop sign I'm doing my duty to disobey the daddy state. It's the daddy state's stop sign. Those stop signs are responsible for the 20-year war on terrorism. It's you and your ego's fault. You're participating in the government slavery system by being in proximity of a stop sign. And you probably would be drinking a corporate soda and not paying attention.

And I'm not trolling.
>For some reason you place the blame for US government militarism
>on the lowly citizens that have very little power and aren't the ones
>*directly* responsible for the militarism. Militarism, corporations,
>environmental destruction, etc are all the citizenry's fault.

How much havoc could a few psychopaths in some office buildings really wreak? They NEED the willing participation of soldiers and taxpayers to pay for bombs and salaries. The corporations NEED customers. You keeps saying that it's "not the poor citizen's/consumer's fault", "they don't have any power" BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT! They have ALL the power, but they are brainwashed into thinking they have none and into giving it all away... you don't need to pay attention to where that came from, you want it, buy it, the end, and of course be sure to vote and pay your taxes. That's the American mind set (and western consumerism generally), and it's willful ignorance, stupidity, and cowardice all rolled up together.

>While there is a definite connection between consumers/citizens and
>government militarism, you incorrectly place most (all?) of the blame
>on the entity with the least power and responsibility for those actions.

I correctly identify those most responsible and the only ones with any hope of having enough conscience to actually change it. If people stopped being paying customers of evil corporations and governments, then they WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO act so violently.

Just because some people may have tried disengaging from the system, but it wasn't enough to stop it, doesn't invalidate the concept of non-participation.
>When I run the stop sign I'm doing my duty to disobey the
>daddy state. It's the daddy state's stop sign. Those stop signs
>are responsible for the 20-year war on terrorism. It's you and y
>our ego's fault. You're participating in the government slavery
>system by being in proximity of a stop sign. And you probably
>would be drinking a corporate soda and not paying attention.

>And I'm not trolling.

If you have a point, it's lost on me. You're making no sense at all.
I never said consumers/citizens don't have any power.

And I agree that the West and consumerism are very much parts of many serious problems.

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