
Girls Stuff

Yeah, but anyways, women are proving themselves in today's world....:)

You're next :)
@Hate-nerds-2 said in #16:
> I once heard that some people used to drown their newborn daughters alive in hot boiling milk as soon as they're born
> Its terrifying
Not only in India, but in other places. In China, during the one child years, it was not unusual for a first born girl to be lost-on-purpose because parents wanted a son. My brother-in-law was called "一千五百" when he was in school, because that was how much his father paid to the local authorities to have a second child. And yes, it is scary.

@srinikamathur : "no talking to boys, no showing pads to boys, no this, no that..."
I've never seen much value in deliberately perpetuating ignorance. Do they think those boys will never have sisters or become husbands or fathers? Can someone please put two and two together and find a link between ignorance and social evils, misogyny in particular?
Ohhh, I don’t really know much about this all but since what I have read ITS TERRIBLE!
I hope all the girls in the world stay safe with protection and independence! Including the boys...!
@bombing_knight said in #23:
> Ohhh, I don’t really know much about this all but since what I have read ITS TERRIBLE!
> I hope all the girls in the world stay safe with protection and independence! Including the boys...!

Imagine going through all those discriminations and stuff

Respect to all the ladies from hate-nerds-2
@bombing_knight said in #23:
> Ohhh, I don’t really know much about this all but since what I have read ITS TERRIBLE!
> I hope all the girls in the world stay safe with protection and independence! Including the boys...!
@Hate-nerds-2 said in #24:
> Imagine going through all those discriminations and stuff
> Respect to all the ladies from hate-nerds-2

Thank you guys, y'all earned my respect :)
@Hate-nerds-2 said in #24:
> Imagine going through all those discriminations and stuff
> Respect to all the ladies from hate-nerds-2

I do respect them but I never knew about they are/were going through but now since I know it well I will be more careful!
I did Read many articles online as well after this forum (or maybe I saw another familiar with this forum idk)
@DarshiMehta123 said in #25:
> Thank you guys, y'all earned my respect :)
*salute to women* for enduring a lot
@srinikamathur said in #14:
> I ranted in the other forums...but yeah, I'm from India too (yay!). When we girls first come to know about periods, our school takes us aside for a girl's only lecture and presents us a dish of girl 'secrets' with a side of discrimination, and a huge helping of telling no boys.
> Hah! As if. I'm a girl and I've had my fair share of this stupidity. Treating us as if we're fragile ceramic pots just cause of a few days a month! What's wrong with telling boys? Don't the girls in their family get periods?
> comes the best gift we get along with periods: restrictions! No going out, no wearing shorts, no skirts, please wear your school skirt with leggings, no talking to boys, no showing pads to boys, no this, no that.....
> I'm fed up with it.
> My school's not even nice enough to provide pads for first-time period girls. They barely have one pad per day, and if you're lucky, you get it. We carry pads in case something happens to juniors, that's how desperate we are to help each other!
> And...the teachers at school when a girl turns up sleeveless on her b-day, "Why sleeveless? It's against our culture."
> And how much I want to tell them, "Actually, sleeves were introduced by the British...till then India was sleeveless...." and leave them speechless!
> You're next :)

omg yesss i feel you!! the whole "shhh it's a secret" thing is so dumb like whyyy act like it's some crime?? boys literally have moms, sisters , cousins who all get periods.. so what’s the big deal??

and those restrictions omg. "wear leggings with your skirt" WHY?? am i summoning demons with my knees?? "don’t talk to boys" pls im not shedding my brain cells.

the school pad situation is actually tragic like they’ll have 100 posters about "periods are normal" but then act like providing pads is some luxury service . thank god for girls carrying extras cause otherwise juniors would be doomed fr.

and that sleeveless comment. ugh. the hypocrisy is next level. the british literally brought half these "cultural" dress codes but nah let’s just pretend it’s always been like this . wish we could just blast history facts at them and watch their brains explode lmao

you said it all girl, next time we just hand them a history book and watch them panic xD

you're next :)