
General chat .

Australia has so far 63 covid deaths..19 of those are directly related to the cruise ship Ruby Princess.
2700 passengers were allowed to disembark in Sydney and disperse with zero screening.Due to this possibly criminal action,(a police investigation is officially in progress) there are now directly traceable clusters in several parts of the world aside from Australia.Here the clusters are spread out across the country...and it's quite a large place.

This is certainly not an attempt to bring covid discussion into this thread..there are plenty of other threads active with that.
I just wish to remind people of just how infectious this one is...please keep following the recommendations,even if in your country they are not yet actual law.
There is a serious lack of tactics study by lichess players, 50% of them are playing banning games in the Off Topic Forum.

If you're going to play banning games you should do it properly. I move that a banning arbiter be nominated.
About 2 months ago I called a point of order which was never fully resolved in the banning game (seriously). The point of order motion, of course has priority over new buisiness. However, due to a lack of respect for parliamentary procedure, the bannings continued. I therefore would like to second the motion presented in post 387, as the incident shows a clear need for banning leadership.
I started posting on the lichess forums a few months ago and I am feeling my way around learning to use forums. When in doubt I am trying to err on the side of caution, posting messages in an intended good humor.

I did intend my post #387 actually as a joke. I am not acquainted with parliamentary procedures and I wish to be respectful. I'll defer to others who possess that type of knowledge and seek to learn from them.

I have found a positive online community here at lichess and will do everything as a user to foster that spirit.

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