
Free or Cancel ?

I believe in the illusion of Free Speech, even though this has consequences. Free Speech, if trusted and obeyed, especially from a person of Power or Authority, has the power to influence people's behavior and therefore shouldn't be abused by bad actors. For example: What happens when an Old-Fashioned General yells Charge? Doesn't the Soliders under his command obey his words, giving his words true power? But, if a random solider took on the responsibility or liability of yelling Charge, without the Authority to do so - that can have negative consequences over-stepping their Authority. Do people truly realize their Authority levels with the speech they exercise, or the selective free speech they support?

I believe that it is often better to have speech Labelled, Organized, Accessable, Compiled, and eventually archieved than to delete or cancel sources of Free Speech in the Free World. Ideally, Cancel Culture shouldn't exist; except that it does because of bad actors, or the perception thereof. And, one must ask why? Is it the cost of the data storage online? Is it because of the radical or disagreeable content that gets pushed onto people, according to the moderators? Is it because they are SPAMMING? Is there a legal responsibility that the website has to the public? Is there positive/negative PR that must be taken into account? Maybe, its a bit of all of the above.
@bfchessguy said in #1:
For me your message is completely blank with empty spaces/lines given. Its not like I can't see any message, I can see #2 normally.
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #3:
> For me your message is completely blank with empty spaces/lines given. Its not like I can't see any message, I can see #2 normally.

A video from The Daily Show Youtube Channel.

Here is the description:

>Jon Stewart dives into Harrison Butker’s controversial speech, the subsequent Fox News outrage that he's being canceled, and how the real purveyor of cancel culture is 45th and the MAGA movement, who censor and silence any Republican who dare criticize their boy King.

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