
Forum Game: Conquer the World

I guess the @Knight04 and @shadow1414 's point is if the OP posts this in the team forum he won't get many replies, and there aren't any rules stating they shouldn't post these in the forum.
So what's your views on this? @chummer @Tae7
@shadow1414 you are not getting my point.

Of course they don’t have to listen to me. Where exactly did I say that they have to cut down the forum games just to please me?!
I don’t think I’ve said anything out of line. I just wanted to point out that a lot of people are unhappy with the amount of forum games that are being created. It is within my rights to make criticisms as I see fit. Hope you understand.

We can talk about this through DM if you prefer.

#1 "It is within my rights to make criticisms as I see fit."

Yes. And it is also within my rights to criticize you as I see fit.
In fact, I criticize you for continuing to criticize someone who doesn't want to hear your criticism.

#2 "Of course they don’t have to listen to me. Where exactly did I say that they have to cut down the forum games just to please me?!".

You didn't. However, I feel it is still important to mention that.
Because you really shouldn't criticize someone when they don't want to hear your criticism, and they don't have to. Because that doesn't accomplish anything.

#3 At any rate, this discussion is pretty meaningless, and doesn't do anything.
Trying to criticize someone who doesn't want to hear your criticism is, in all honest, a completely stupid act.
I disagree with your #3, criticism is allowed. Doesn't matter if you want to hear it or not
Also, I don't think Tae7 is criticising Horsey04

#1 "I disagree with your #3, criticism is allowed. Doesn't matter if you want to hear it or not"

I never said criticism isn't allowed.
I said it is stupid to try and criticize someone when they don't want to hear your criticism.

#2 Who is Horsey04?
@HorseyIsBest As far as I know, the forum game's team created by @clousems is pretty active. The OP would get plenty of replies if he posted in there.

“There aren’t any rules stating that they shouldn’t post these in the forum” - True. We did not say that they are not allowed to post games in this sub forum. We merely made some suggestions that they should cut it down a little since forum games are taking a lot of space on the first page, as chummer pointed out. Knight04 can choose to ignore our comments.

(Gosh I do hate repeating myself over and over again.)
Yeah, I don't think it's stupid to try and criticize someone when they don't want to hear your criticism.
Also, Tae7 isn't really criticizing is it?

Regardless of whether he gets more views or action here is inconsequential in my opinion. If I were to start a thread and ask the forum to decide what I should make for breakfast, announce my decision, and then ultimately give my review of breakfast when I start the process anew with lunch. And then dinner. And then breakfast again.

It would take only a couple of people to keep a number of those posts on the front page, as we've seen from OP time and time again.

I should be raked over the coals for masturbatory posting, yet these forum games aren't substantially different. OP has started dozens of these games, and most go absolutely nowhere and gratify only a small number of people. If he can't get an active group from all that spam, then take it as a sign from heaven that it's time to move on.

And for the record: my go to breakfast during the week is croissant and coffee, with or without brandy, scotch, or rum. You'll have to wait for tomorrow's lunch thread to find out whether I toast sunflower seeds for my salad.

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