
Flat Earthers

Since there is a flat Earth society, let's create a Round Earth society to counter them.
@A_0123456 Techniquely the flat earth society is actually a government psyop. Another suspicious fact.
@Skittle-Head Kepler's shadow experiment doesn't work to prove anything, I'd have to find something to show about atmospheric lensing this test was actually done by a PhD but i don't remember his name have to think, some flat earth guy lot of numbers and showing things. But here is the problem with that, if you just discount the countless tests that show lack of this curvature of 8in per mile squared or just photos that seems a bit silly don't you think?
Well let's counter a flat earth pysop with a round earth society which has more people than all the flat earth pysops and communities throughout the world.
That is the problem I run into though, I can't just take one so-called "proof" when there is many other things to consider. Which is why I don't care to hold to anything but tell you that the globe in heliocentrism is a guaranteed out of picture with numerous experiments and growing. It never holds. Yet people still believe it. Because the real reason is people worship science falsely so-called, so when they don't have an answer they are in a predicament of cognitive dissonance.
Pro 15:2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
@Nordlandia , I think even most people here can admit the moon landings are faked. I need to upload something about 911 and I want to see if you men are honest enough to say something is up
Anyone with a fairly good telescope can spot the man-plased laser reflectors on the surface of the moon and the ISS can be seen orbiting the earth even with the naked eye if one knows where and when to look and the weather allows it. Let's not mention all the photos we have from space exploration. I honestly have to stand in awe of the capacity of some people to dismiss every piece of logic and evidence imaginable in order to validate their point. It is easier for them to construct a conspiracy of millions of people spanning centuries and expanding over the whole earth, all to hide the truth from the public... than to change their minds.
Send ALL of the flat-earthers in a space shuttle so they can "observe the universe".
@havfanridindis I’m afraid that trying to reason with the likes of flat Earthers is pointless. Many of them have even gone as far as carrying out experiments in the hopes of proving their fantasy disc world and rejecting the results when they prove them wrong. (The Behind the Curve documentary is a hilarious example where two flat Earthers prove rotation and curvature respectively, only to reject the results and resort to mental gymnastics.)
@nevergonnaberserk Wow, fancy seeing you here. I hear you're an atomic legend but from before I got in the community :(

Yeah I'm not going to insist long here, I know it's pretty pointless. I'm just observing this vast diversity in the human species and commenting. It's astounding what some people can believe.

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