
Don't say "i love you" just for fun.

I also feel like I need some love in my life. Lookin' at you, monsterchip.
In all my thousands of posts I never have said those three words.
I say it to every girl on among us hehe
I don't see what the problem is. If people are convinced that they love you, it's easier to extract gifts from them.
@CreativeThinking Stop it, I thought you said you had learnt how to control yourself to not post in such topics. (Something like that, I don't remember). This has happened before, don't repeat it again.
@Monsterchip #34 This time it is not about dumbbells, i'm not writing that new guy name here because i respect his feelings and privacy as he sent me only those 3 words, plus i don't know who is he because his joining date on Lichess is just before 1 month old. Anyway, i'm not comfortable with that type of message as he wrote to me just for fun, that's why i created this thread.

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