
Do you prefer winning or losing?

I prefer losing against stronger players than winning against weak ones
Anybody who says they prefer losing is lying. everybody wants to win.

However, if the question is "which do you learn more from" then the answer is of course losing
@Akbar2thegreat said in #12:
> Winning a losing game is best!
True. I agree. I lose a lot but because of that day by day I am improving and winning a losing game is the best!
> Winning a losing game is best!

So you’d rather get lucky than actually play well?
@pawnedge said in #15:
> So you’d rather get lucky than actually play well?
Seems like I didn't explain what I meant!
I meant, on losing a won game, we are not affected and just play on thinking that a blunder cost us.
But in case of winning a lost game, we actually know truth of what happened and how and therefore we take lessons from the game to make ourselves better in game play.
I prefer winning, but I also understand that losing is a natural part of life and can provide valuable opportunities for growth and learning. However, there's no denying the feeling of joy and accomplishment that comes with winning, whether it's a friendly game of cards or a significant achievement in one's career.
There is I believe a difference between winning and ability etc., there is a very defined method to advance by rating, game theory. elo etc are not power ratings, they are win-lose ratings; this is how Carlsen can leave the WC Fide and still be the best he has something beyond winning and losing. They even have to control point manipulations; also there is the psychological problem of wanting to lose as some gamblers do. I am disgusted by losses caused by hanging pieces etc. but I also know that here where there are bots cheating and you never play the same person twice. Losing is just an average. I am certain if I knew who I was playing and studied their games I would beat them best out of ten so I never think I am losing only the format is a "pick up" game like a playground and not something that is important much. I played a 1400 at blitz once I am 950 he won the first by me giving him a piece Stockfish had it a drawn otherwise he wanted a rematch to rub it in but this time I dominated him and he ran if we would have played any more his rating would have dropped. Most winners here are career people in chess who have not much to do otherwise. So it is win-win but I love the wild game and the razor's edge so having a steady rate isn't the aim.

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