
Do you like Trump better, the same or worse than when he started?

Trump will soon implode, right now he is playing golf for the 41st time since he took office...
dont think much of him or his family to be honest. didnt vote for him nor did I vote for Hillary Dillary Dock whos lips run down my oooooo wrong channel
Seems like a lot of fools are still brainwashed by fake news.

1 million jobs in the first 6 months seems like a good start.

So.. obviously better.
now we see and realize the difference in a politician and a bizness man. politicians talk about the bizness and bizness men give ya the bizness... we need to give a lucrative contract to n korea to produce the worlds stockpile of dangerous chemicals. give him something to play with that works.
You are so right, @ sicknsolo, that million jobs figure is fake news:

"In a new column, Aaron Blake of the Washington Post points out that "unprecedented" means "never happened before," and that is incorrect — as recently as the month before Trump took office.

In fact, under Trump, job growth has fallen. President Obama saw more jobs added in his last six months (1.08 million) than Trump has seen in his first six months (1.07 million). Obama saw more jobs created than Trump's first six months in six 6-month periods since 2013.

"Indeed, no matter how you slice it and what months you choose, there isn't even one six-month period after mid-2013 during which Obama didn't see at least 1 million jobs created," writes Blake. "One million jobs in six months is not unprecedented — it has become the norm since the recovery from the Great Recession really kicked in."

Ultimately, Blake writes, adding 1 million jobs in six months is not only not unprecedented — it is the precedent of precedents. Three of Trump's six immediate predecessors had higher job growth in their first six months than Trump did. And Jimmy Carter saw 2.14 million jobs created in his first six months: Twice as many as Trump."

But forget his lies, he is obviously a white supremacist, a supporter of the alt-right, a danger to everything that the US of A has fought to gain in the last 240 years.

He will not last long. Even hard republicans are abandoning his sinking ship...
You guys realize that presidents are not elected, but selected; right? Please tell me just one person understands that the U.S. presidency is a puppet post and answers to a higher power...
As with any other puppet post, it answers to the void and nothing else. Any thought spent on Trump and his profession is like donating blood to the tarmac of route 66.

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