
Do you like Trump better, the same or worse than when he started?

In my opinion, Trump has proven that he is a liar, a manipulator, brags of work that only happens in his head, has not passed a single piece of legislature of any importance and has cost a fortune to tax payers.

What do you think?
It's the same, I considered him the above things, as well as also idiot with very low IQ, unable to do consequence calculations, having a language cognitive defect and a motor disability ( think he has mind brain damage, maybe a car crash or drugs?), plus being a Russian spy before the election, and I still do.

So no change here.

Well he has said he is the greatest chessplayer in the world.

The exact quote:

"I play great chess, great chess, it's the best, I play with people, good people, and I win, I never get tired of it, hey what is that bird, it's a bird, I am hungry, I play chess, I am sooo rich, very rich, very, is that a bird,"
Trump is not a bad person, he is just a bit of his rocker and unable to empathize with people, he suffers from selective memory, he remembers what is convenient and he either forgets what he said or did that is not convenient or he distorts the facts to fit the moment. That in itself is not a bad thing, it starts being bad when you become president of the US.

Would you trust the football to a person without 100% use of his mental faculties?
I'd like to start this off by saying I am a republican, but i do not support Trump (Not a real conservative).

Trump is a liar, only a fool would deny it - but most of his lies are harmless. In my opinion his lies are much better then the cold, calculated ones of the alternative Hillary.

Many campaign promises that Trump has made he mas kept, though many were exaggerated to win the campaign, with minute details being wrong, but the idea still being implemented. ( Which is, of course, not good, but every candidate does it to win. )

>Pulled out of the Paris accords
>Cut spending on many areas that he has promised
>Increased military spending
>is planning on building the border wall (Which is of course a useless idea, but that doesn't change the fact that he has upheld a campaign promise)
>In the process of replacing Obama Care
>The Muslim ban

@SamuelCaplan also claimed that Trump has not passed any meaningful legislation, which he believes because he only reads leftist media, like most of the world. I present you a list of Trump legislation:
>Massive budget cuts, increase in military spending
>Requested money to build the border wall
>Muslim ban
(Still important, though it is not in place)
>the previously mentioned pulling out of the Paris climate accords
(I believe this was Trump's best decision and speech of his presidency so far)
>Various labor related legislation
>Much more..(Just google it, my god cant believe i have to spoon feed you guys this)

In the end Trump is better than Clinton.

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