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Why Thibault?
Thibault Duplessis really exists, but this forum made me doubt whether to laugh or cry. here is an interview: www.chessbase.in/news/interview-with-Lichess-founder-Thibault-Duplessis
@four_legs_good said in #1:
>WHO created Lichess? WHO controls the @thibault account? WHO puts pictures supposed to convince us of the existence of Thibault out there? And WHO are the men on these pictures? HOW OLD is actually Lichessyou said it WHO did it, the World Health Organisation..
I’ll bet it was shapeshifting aliens.
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@four_legs_good said in #1:
you're wrong. it was created in six days. on the seventh day thibault rested.
>The lore says Lichess was created in seven days
you're wrong. it was created in six days. on the seventh day thibault rested.
The Thibault blesses you and keep you; the Thibault make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Thibault lift up his countenance upon you, and give you chess - Jah Pastafari
@four_legs_good said in #6:
he has a job, has studied and you can have a lot of images of him. moreover the style of his messages and games shows that it is a single person
>Hiw do you know the guy in the video is really Thibault Duplessis and not Jean-Paul Duplessis? Or a paid actor? Or a virtual avatar created by Lichess supreme consciousness?
he has a job, has studied and you can have a lot of images of him. moreover the style of his messages and games shows that it is a single person
@glbert said in #7:
and he saw that it was "good" (Kappa)
>you're wrong. it was created in six days. on the seventh day thibault rested.
and he saw that it was "good" (Kappa)
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