
Did you ever take kids camping?

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Yup. Several times, with mixed results, mostly positive. Everything from car/trailer camping to wilderness.
Don't worry about the sugar consumption, they burn it off fast in the out doors. (So do I)
One of the things I am determined to do if and when I get my new family to Canada is take my daughters out for a weekend canoeing expedition. After they have had some little experience paddling in tame water, of course.
I wonder if I can talk my old canoeing partner into joining us? It's been 30 years since the 2 of us did a backcountry trip together.
Dont have kids, not married.
But its glad there is a man that take care of those kids. Strong male figure is rare nowadays.
@four_legs_good said in #5:
> Apple cider for breakfast? For kids?

it can be a version with little or no alcohol, close to sparkling apple juice.

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