
Did you ever steal something but you didn't really and you paid the price but it was all worth it?

When I was 14 I ' stole' a Cessna 172. I didn't really steal it I just kinda borrowed it for a while. Little air park near my home so I kinda jumped the fence,Pipers, Cessnas,Beechcrarfts,planes like that. I was really fascinated with aircraft at the time. So I climb in this little Cessna and lo and behold the keys are in it. I mean right in front of me.Simple little 6 pack instrumentation.So I turn the key and the sucker starts up.full fuel tanks and all.Well the yoke and rudders are pretty simple and next thing I know I'm airborne.I mean it was easy.i had no bad intentions,just a kid playing around. So I just fly around for two or three hours,some guys yelling on the radio i so turn that off.Did a few rolls but that was about the extent of my aerobatics. Then I head back,well I can read a windsock so my landing was pretty good in spite of all the sheriffs cars along the runway... and everything was cool except for the law but fortunately the owner was a former marine aviator and he kinda understood so I just wound up washing and waxing planes and cleaning hangers for six months as the law was a bit more lenient in those days.Well I never became a pilot but 30 years later I find myself skydiving out of a Cessna 172.Life is strange, ain't it?
Wait are you the barefoot bandit?
First of all . i dont understand what your saying and i dont want to read that whole parragraph but from what i understood . i havent stole anything..
I believe in stealing planes.
Life continues to remain normal in every way
@Dukedog said in #1:
> When I was 14 I ' stole' a Cessna 172. I didn't really steal it I just kinda borrowed it for a while. Little air park near my home so I kinda jumped the fence,Pipers, Cessnas,Beechcrarfts,planes like that. I was really fascinated with aircraft at the time. So I climb in this little Cessna and lo and behold the keys are in it. I mean right in front of me.Simple little 6 pack instrumentation.So I turn the key and the sucker starts up.full fuel tanks and all.Well the yoke and rudders are pretty simple and next thing I know I'm airborne.I mean it was easy.i had no bad intentions,just a kid playing around. So I just fly around for two or three hours,some guys yelling on the radio i so turn that off.Did a few rolls but that was about the extent of my aerobatics. Then I head back,well I can read a windsock so my landing was pretty good in spite of all the sheriffs cars along the runway... and everything was cool except for the law but fortunately the owner was a former marine aviator and he kinda understood so I just wound up washing and waxing planes and cleaning hangers for six months as the law was a bit more lenient in those days.Well I never became a pilot but 30 years later I find myself skydiving out of a Cessna 172.Life is strange, ain't it?

They knew they had a duty of care to not leave the keys in the aircraft in the first place ! They were to blame here! :D, the fact that you took it upon yourself to go joy-flying is neither here nor there. :D
And those guys on the radio had the audacity to interfere with your free to view aerobatics display is a poor lookout. :)
A very fun story. I can't wait to try it on my own.
I did steal but not really and I did pay the price and it was worth it. Or in other words: I did buy something.
@Dukedog said in #1:
> When I was 14 I ' stole' a Cessna 172. I didn't really steal it I just kinda borrowed it for a while. Little air park near my home so I kinda jumped the fence,Pipers, Cessnas,Beechcrarfts,planes like that. I was really fascinated with aircraft at the time. So I climb in this little Cessna and lo and behold the keys are in it. I mean right in front of me.Simple little 6 pack instrumentation.So I turn the key and the sucker starts up.full fuel tanks and all.Well the yoke and rudders are pretty simple and next thing I know I'm airborne.I mean it was easy.i had no bad intentions,just a kid playing around. So I just fly around for two or three hours,some guys yelling on the radio i so turn that off.Did a few rolls but that was about the extent of my aerobatics. Then I head back,well I can read a windsock so my landing was pretty good in spite of all the sheriffs cars along the runway... and everything was cool except for the law but fortunately the owner was a former marine aviator and he kinda understood so I just wound up washing and waxing planes and cleaning hangers for six months as the law was a bit more lenient in those days.Well I never became a pilot but 30 years later I find myself skydiving out of a Cessna 172.Life is strange, ain't it?
wrong. don't believe you. but good story anyway. creative mind. and are you really skydiving? because if you ever get tired of skydiving, always remember this: you don't need a parachute unless you want to go skydiving again.

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