
Cruelty and barbarism of ruzzian soldiers

@smert_vorogam said in #8:
> The situation is getting worse. Today, information appeared in the media that orcs killed more than 40 Ukrainian prisoners of war. It seems that the worse their situation at the front is, the more they commit war crimes.
> Do you understand what kind of barbarians they are?
> And for those fools who say that the war in Ukraine is "small events" - let me remind you that the front line is more than 1000 km - the distance from Paris to Berlin. The ruzzian terrorist organization launched more than 3,000 rockets over Ukraine.
> ruzzia has committed so many war crimes in Ukraine - that it seems difficult to count. But I want to remind you that this terrorist organization committed war crimes also in the Chechen war, Georgia, Moldova, Syria.
> There are also videos on the Internet where ruzzian "soldiers" are "having fun" with Syrians - burning them alive, cutting off their heads, cutting them to pieces, beating them to death. You can search for yourself, because of course, I will not publish such things here.

I do not accept those events too.
But try to share the relativity of them.
Look at the history of every country and send me a message if you don’t find such events with every of them. This century, the last one, or 200 years ago.

The first responsables for this Ukraine-Russia are USA and Europe.

And understand also that the background of such informations is called propaganda.
The purpose is to make you focus on that and forget the hidden cruelty of All the governments in this earth and that We are All living everyday. Not just during wars.

War is war.
What did you expect ?
Flowers and rainbows from Russian soldiers ?

Of course, you’ll always have ugly behaviors in every war.
Not acceptable, but very common.
@smert_vorogam said in #10:
> This is the difference between barbaric ruzzia and civilized countries. If, for example, a US soldier commits a crime, society will not like it, and the authorities will punish the criminal.

Do you look to much TV shows and Mickey Mouse cartoons ?
USA government will play the punishment.
When they killed thousands of Irakians and destroyed the entire structures of a country like Irak.
And Vietnam war.
And so on.

> But what do we see in ruzzia? Their "soldiers" raped Ukrainian girls in Bucha for a month, kept them there in the basement. Their "soldiers" killed thousands of civilians, tortured Ukrainian prisoners with the cruelest methods - what was the reaction of their manic society? They clapped their hands, they like it all. They put emoticons with a smile under the post where a Ukrainian is being castrated and cut on video.

Because today we have internet.
What about Mussolini, Mao, De Gaulle, Franco, Truman and his 2 nuclear bombs and brothers ?

> I don't know what is worse - the very fact of such terrible torture, or the reaction of the ruzzians to it. I don't know what's worse.
@ADYA-RAMESES said in #11:
> I do not accept those events too.
> But try to share the relativity of them.
> Look at the history of every country and send me a message if you don’t find such events with every of them. This century, the last one, or 200 years ago.
> The first responsables for this Ukraine-Russia are USA and Europe.
What country are you from, orc?
You justify ruzzia's war crimes, blaming Europe and the USA for all. Everything as written by the orcs propaganda.
We live in the 21st century, in the age of the Internet. Now there can be no excuses for such crimes, which the terrorist organization of ruzzia is committing en masse. No past crimes can justify what the orcs are doing now.
@ADYA-RAMESES said in #6:
> The maniacs and invaders are a small group leading the country of Russia.
> Russians, or Russian soldiers, are just followers.

Who pulls the trigger? Invader, or follower?
@smert_vorogam said in #10:
> This is the difference between barbaric ruzzia and civilized countries. If, for example, a US soldier commits a crime, society will not like it, and the authorities will punish the criminal.

Of course, in an authoritarian country, citizens would not know anything about such a crime at all. In the democratic at least tried to punish the guilty.

I do not want you to regard this information as an attempt to interfere with your noble mission.
Just war is legalized lawlessness. Name day of the heart for sadists who are forced to hide their inclinations in peacetime.
In that case, Russia is completely supporting such shameful acts by their soldiers which is completely unacceptable. Now, the current government will definitely lose next time and they will get a better leader. And Putin will suffer same fate as Hitler.
@PTX187 said in #15:
> Of course, in an authoritarian country, citizens would not know anything about such a crime at all. In the democratic at least tried to punish the guilty.

This is the difference. Even in the 60s and 70s, American society did not support the atrocities of its military.

And what is the reaction of the ruzian "society"? Tonight orcs killed 53 Ukrainian prisoners of war.
They created a ton of memes. They laugh at the fact that their soldier-maniac castrated a Ukrainian soldier.

Imagine, today they created an animated cartoon that makes fun of it. It just doesn't fit in my head, they created an animation in which they laugh at a tortured and later killed Ukrainian prisoner of war.
@ ADYA-RAMESES said in #11:
> But try to share the relativity of them.
> Look at the history of every country and send me a message if you don’t find such events with every of them. This century, the last one, or 200 years ago.
I think Bhutan was always peacful - though I don't know for sure.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #16:
> Now, the current government will definitely lose next time and they will get a better leader.

They won't. Neither government will lose the support of russians, nor they will get a better leader. What you don't realize is that all these crimes were made and supported by _russians_. These are what _russians_ truly are. putin is just a good representative of _russians_. They, russians, _are_ different. You can't apply to them the same logic you would do for democratic country with healthy mind people. They are not.
Russians were unaware of Putin's real intentions and he just got re-elected. But most of Russians are now against Putin government and sadly trying to hide cause system there is very brutal. Now, next time some other leader will definitely come out on top but a lot of time till then. Public can force a recall election they are real power as they choose their leaders. Some are now leaving Russia. You don't know the intensity caused.

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