
Creepiest incident that happend with you ??!!?!

@Noflaps said in #37:
> Re: #6 -- The genuine excellence of @CSKA_Moscou 's English can only make me hope that it is NOT his second language, despite the fact that he displays the Russian flag. If it IS his second language, that's fairly intimidating. I can only marvel and realize that I have much more work to do on my own second language.
> Piano. Expert rating. The dude is impressive. Indeed, there are several very impressive people posting to this forum. I guess that shouldn't surprise, given that this is a chess site.
> Thanks, Lichess. You provide us all with excellent company.

I find it relatively surprising that the quality of my English is appreciated, given that it is neither my first nor my second, but my third language, behind French and Russian.

And also : English is language that I don't practice daily outside the forum, and that therefore, I am more likely to make mistakes or unorthodox turns of phrase, especially orally.

and unlike French and like in Russian, I am rather shy when speaking in English, because I hide a flaw that is very unattractive to the ear:

a French accent.
@CSKA_Moscou , you seem to improve rapidly in more than one area. I wasn't being sarcastic. I don't know if it's nature or nurture or both, but you've got some skills, brother.

Incidentally, English spoken with a French accent merely seems sophisticated, although, of course, a British accent is best of all -- although there are almost too many different British accents to count. Almost as many as there are America accents. And by "America" I do, for the moment, use the term broadly and include Canada.
Watching the uncut version of the movie Deliverance on TV was pretty creepy. An experience that will not be repeated. Robert DeNiro as Max Cady in the movie Cape Fear gave me the creeps also.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #41:
> I find it relatively surprising that the quality of my English is appreciated, given that it is neither my first nor my second, but my third language, behind French and Russian.

English is my first language and yet I still never ever got full marks in it at school bruh
True story...

Many years agom in my early 20s, I was home alone watching TV. The movie was "Kingdom of the Spiders" in which a small mid-west town fights an epic but ultimately futile battle against an invasion of giant tarantulas. In the final scene, you see a view of the town, which is completely covered with spider webs. That night, I went to my room in the basement, fell asleep, and had a nice little dream, I dreamed I was sleeping in my bed, and there was a tarantula descending from a strand connected to the lightbulb directly above my upturned face. I snap wide awake, jump out of bed, and rush across the room to switch on my light. I looked back at the light bulb, but there was nothing there.

The End
@WassimBerbar said in #7:
> The kindergarten teacher asked me "What is the job of your mother?"
> I had no remorse when I said my reply.

What IS your mother's job?