

<Comment deleted by user>
#579 #580 how is refusing to be drawn into a discussion about whether or not I am a liar "rude"?

The facts I stated are easily found..
And, you made your math false. I asked to another doctor, you divide cases to deaths. So it's like 2,4
#572 of 41,801 RESOLVED cases 7.5 % were deaths.
The unresolved cases can expect a similar result when they are resolved.Using the total cases to give a percentage death rate is not correct.
My math is most certainly not incorrect.Your trust in politicians is touching,but arguably misguided..trying to make me out to be stupid will not alter the numbers.
Oh then, you call turkeys politicans stupid and telling me stupid? Do I need to believe a kid justlike you or do I need to believe a doctor? I ask you this because everyone is stupid except you.
Don't put words in my mouth..I said turkey leader told lies intentionally..if you think every medical doctor is a genius epidemiologist that is your problem.At no time did I say you are stupid..
I now accept that you have realized my math is valid,otherwise you would not be trying to bully me.
we all wore our mask and were good little establishment citizens and we can start going back to work monday. :)

9981 cases here and 221 deaths to date of the 2.3 million population

good luck to the rest of you and wear your mask and dont be silly when your city opens up

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