

It's going to overload the hospitals before too long. When that happens, it won't just be people who have the coronavirus dying because of the coronavirus.
For the majority of the population it is not life threatening yes although the effects can be very serious for the elderly or those with underlying health conditions (and most people do have someone close to them in those brackets). The socioeconomic impact is far reaching however, when you have millions of people under quarantine, entire sectors on pause, overloaded medical facilities - this given market conditions that were already overextended. Remains to be seen how fast the contagion will decay.

I agree with the partner slav_s.
the world is full of trickery. and if everything were so true and of such a great magnitude of risk. I still think it was an experiment that got out of his hands.
I don’t know if Coronavirus is dangerous or no but I live in north italy and I don't wish anyone to experience days like these that we are experiencing. we do not do it for fear of the virus but because our hospital are full, near to collapse

You have my sympathy. I hope things get better in Italy. I fear that Italy is just ahead of most everyone else in the timeline. The U.S. doesn't have anything close to the excess hospital capacity needed to cope with this once it gets rolling here.
@slav_s How are people 'overreacting' when even the level of reaction we're having isn't sufficient to stop the spread? Do you not understand that we have no natural immunity to COVID-19? If you are properly exposed, you will get sick, it's not like you're magically protected.

No. You will NOT get sick.

Only if you are over 80 years old and very very ill already THEN you will get sick. And will have 1/6 chances of dying IF you get this virus on top of your current problems.

Normal healthy people might have mild cold like symptoms at most. And nothing at best. Meaning you probably already had Corona, you just didn’t know.

As far as overreacting goes, H1N1 killed 12’000 Americans, nobody wore a mask, nobody cancelled any trips, nobody said anything on CNN or at the White House. This Corona virus in USA is being used by Liberal media to try and take down Trump.

We'll see. It's not just the old getting very sick. Sure, the death rate is highest in the over 80 risk group, but if you think you're safe just because you're not old or don't have an underlying condition, you may be in for a nasty surprise.

This doctor writes about a group of 14 who took a ski trip to northern Italy. Every one of them got sick and tested positive for coronavirus. 4 hospitalized, one with a pre-existing condition, three without. Relatively young according to the doctor.

Northern Italy is being hit hard, and it's not just the elderly. I don't know if there's something different about the coronavirus in northern Italy or if it's just that the population is more at risk there, but we'll probably know fairly soon. The U.S has several patients with coronavirus whose source is Italy, I think.

This is just beginning in the U.S., so comparing it to the flu is foolish. Cases here are doubling every few days.

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