
Conspiracy theories..why do governments try to belittle them?

>@xochinla I don't believe you've offered one shred of a evidence that demonstrates
>anything more than the same generalization and partial ideas that you accuse me of.

Regardless of what you believe, I have indicated a great deal of evidence, that apparently is too inconvenient to address and so gets ignored.

>In fact, besides the endless videos you post (which does little more than demonstrate your own impotence and lack of necessary education to speak with any authority in these matters),

Again with the emphasis on my "impotence" and "lack of necessary education", (my person) without bothering to address the factuality or logic of anything I have stated. This is a form of ad-hominem. Yes I draw on others who ARE far more scholarly, educated, articulate, and who have put far more work into assembling the evidence for these arguments than I have or possibly that I am even capable of.

The argument that because I post videos and books and make a note of the many other people making the same claims that I am, is not evidence one way or the other of my personal understanding. The words I actually author are the only evidence of that, and if you can show *how* they are lacking in understanding, where they are wrong, then you can edify and enlighten me on the issue instead of merely deriding me with the logic defying claim that I because I post fact based documentaries to corroborate my position, that it necessarily means I have no understanding of said subjects.

>That is of couse if you are comfortable enough to address these matters without your video assistance.

What about books? The problem is you are not comfortable with actual documentation and facts. You fail to address them, claim my use of them is evidence of my ignorance, and now you want to ban them from the conversation. I think not. You can take your suggestion to limit the parameters of discussion on these topics, and well... I think you know the rest.


Summed up far more eloquently than I could ever have hoped to do.

Informed discussion is just not possible with ppl who can only quote books without any comprehension of the topic.
The ad hominem reference by xochinla made me scoff out loud.
I agree @bunyip . Some people leave their foil hat on for a little too long. You know what they say about too much aluminum.
There's more...

French people were first who created corporations. The term "limited responsibility" was their invention. It makes the job of stealing easier. They hide behind corporations while doing their dirty things. Corporations were given the rights of a person while in fact, they are only abstractions -- names for collective activity and goods of people who work under the same name. Now you must sue "XCrporation" an not the one who actually did a crime.

"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism because it is the merger of corporate and government power." - Benito Mussolini

"The essence of all slavery consists in taking the product of another's labor by force. It is immaterial whether this force be founded upon the ownership of the slave, or ownership of the money he must get to live" - Leo Tolstoy

You have to buy food from a corporation to eat. You have to work for a corporation to get money to buy food. Money created from nothing, by a corporation (yes, the FED is a private corporation).

Corporatism is statism is slavery: a control grid, exploiting and binding the populace into being dependent upon it by monopolization of key resources: money, military/police, land, energy, food, and medicine.

Corporate/state controlled education and media-brainwash (with the help of a cocktail of neurotoxins placed into the food, water, drugs, and vaccines) do an amazing job at keeping people too stupid to understand what's happening, seek alternatives, or resist in any way.

The state, supposedly here to protect people from corporations, or "capitalism", blatantly does little other that engage policy and violence in the interests of the banking cartel and their conglomeration of crony corporations in defense, oil, GMO petro-agriculture, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Corporations exist and operate "by the authority of the state", and its violent enforcements, yet they effectively own the state because they own the production of money. A ludicrously thin facade that the state represents or might be slightly interested in the will of the people being all that's necessary to keep most in a dazed acquiescence of consent and participation.

"The country is governed by the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor. The majority of mankind are working people. So long as their fair demands - the ownership and control of their livelihoods - are set at naught, we can have neither men's rights nor women's rights. The majority of mankind is ground down by industrial oppression in order that the small remnant may live at ease." - Hellen Keller

Oh my god you just want to hear yourself talk at this point. Sad.

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