
Concept of alive

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@Toscani said in #1:
> Some may recall the saying: "If you can do it, it's a verb".

Wow, I didn't know your mom is a verb.
What does it take to be considered alive?
Well it's not just consciousness. I think it has to be able to reproduce and be biological.
For some that might be a biased biological opinion.
I think if it's not biological, it's not alive. Positron brains are not alive, but I can still like watching Star Trek or play with AI chess engines.

The AI search result or picked acording to algorithems these website opinions.

Are biological beings going to anthropomorphizing AI's?
@Toscani said in #5:
> I thought it was the fruit fly that had the smallest number of neurons.

nerve cells =/= brain

look up the definition of brain ;)
here from wiki:

>Physiologically, brains exert centralized control over a body's other organs. They act on the rest of the body both by generating patterns of muscle activity and by driving the secretion of chemicals called hormones. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment. Some basic types of responsiveness such as reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord or peripheral ganglia, but sophisticated purposeful control of behavior based on complex sensory input requires the information integrating capabilities of a centralized brain.
I always found viruses a bit interesting ( not that I want to shake hands with one) but scientists can't seem to agree if they're alive or not .
Is there a virus that is alive?
If viruses don't meet the criteria to be considered alive, does AI + Quantum computer meet the criteria?
I think not, because AI's need some sort of cellular parts. When we start replacing body parts by bionics, it's still not going to be alive. The bionics will need a way to have the ability to maintain homeostasis, grow, and reproduce on their own without our assistance.

An algorithm can neither be philosophical or theological.

If we are "brain-dead", then we are not or no longer alive.
So the antonym to brain-dead, would be "brain-alive".

For an AI to be consider consciousness, it will have to function like we are breathing, without support. If we unplug the AI, will it still continue working? Well laptops do, by being on batteries, but they cannot change their own batteries on their own. When they are conscious enough to realize without programming that they need to change batteries, then the concept to being alive will be clear.

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