
Classical Listeners, what is good these days?

@GordonBradypus said in #49:
> Classical musicians are often confused why #47 is being branded as "classical music".

I don't always understand the distinctions of genres, It appeals to my aesthetic.
Evgeny Krylatov - “Rememberance” from the film “About Love” (1970)
(Евгений Крылатов - "Воспоминание" из фильма "О любви" (1970)

For some reason, the author of this video decided to partially dedicate it to the memory of conductor Silantiev. At the beginning of the video are his photographs. And after about one minute, photographs of a girl appear - this is Victoria Fedorova, who played the main role in the film.

This girl has an unusual fate - she was the daughter of Soviet actress Zoya Fedorova and the military attaché at the US Embassy in the USSR, US Navy Captain Jackson Rogers Tate.

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