
best soccer player?!

@four_legs_good said in #42:
> If we assume the Universe is infinite then any event which has a non-zero probability will occur. Maybe it will occur in some extremely remote and far from us place of the universe, but it will occur. In fact, it will even occur in infinitely many places.
> Now the probability that a planet hosts a bipedal intelligent specie that develops a sport whose rules are given here : is non-zero. Indeed, if it had probability zero, it wouldn't have happened on Earth.
> Further, given any soccer player, the probability that there exists a better soccer player is non-zero.
> Therefore, assuming the Universe is infinite, we can say with certainty that there is an alien on some perhaps extremely remote planet, who is a better soccer player than any soccer player living on Earth, which makes the question pointless.
> Worse! By the same reasoning, there exist another alien on another planet who's an even better soccer player. And so on ad infimum. So this shows that (still assuming the Universe is infinite), there is NO best soccer player: for any given soccer player there exists somewhere in the Universe an even better soccer player.
> I contend this settles the question.

it's @mrpushwood style but not a 1 shilling irony. it's worth billions of spacio-bucks
hmmm Kahn was very good but for me, i am just SUCH A HUGE FAN OF Ter Stegen and Courtois but if i had to choose 1 it would be Ter Stegen :)
@Blitz_RacingKingsGuy said in #52:
> hmmm Kahn was very good but for me, i am just SUCH A HUGE FAN OF Ter Stegen and Courtois but if i had to choose 1 it would be Ter Stegen :)

sad that he lost a little of his level this season, but I think he is underestimated at Barça, even though he is at least at the level of Neueur or Oblak

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