
Best Non-chess Books

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It’s difficult give a “best book” title. However, I’m currently reading Killers of the Flower Moon. I highly recommend this narrative non-fiction work.
@swimmerBill As a Herman Melville fan I actually liked Typee, Omoo and Billy Budd better. I recommend The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy and Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad.
@SuperHarryPotterFan said in #35:
> My username says it all. But don't watch the movies.
Agree about the movies. A couple were okay, others mostly overcooked. I found the books to be a bit boring. Just my personal opinion. I’m glad you liked them.
@Dantes-Edmond said in #34:
> @swimmerBill As a Herman Melville fan I actually liked Typee, Omoo and Billy Budd better.

I liked those also but loved MD. Partly (I think) because I was stuck in bed for a week in a foreign country with nothing to do but read and partly because I am also a big fan of lyric poetry and MD is pretty close.
@swimmerBill NICE!! Joseph Conrad (in what is likely his third language behind Polish and Russian) also writes prose that reads like poetry through his frequent use of alliteration, consonance, asonance and internal rhyme. Beautiful descriptions of life at sea.
@Dantes-Edmond said in #39:
> @swimmerBill NICE!! Joseph Conrad (in what is likely his third language behind Polish and Russian) also writes prose that reads like poetry through his frequent use of alliteration, consonance, asonance and internal rhyme. Beautiful descriptions of life at sea.

Thank you! I'll give him another try.

Along the same lines, ''Wind, Sand and Stars'' is a beautiful book. First time I read it I had to pause at times because it was bringing tears to my eyes.

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