
Best debate topic?

@WassimBerbar said in #10:
> Oh so this is the capital punishment debate. Simple; No, they shouldn't. I always say pineapple on pizza is gastrocriminality, but it's unfair to put to death the person who eats pineapple on pizza.

Agreed...So it's life in prison, with no possibility of parole. - :]
@Skittle-Head said in #12:
> Agreed...So it's life in prison, with no possibility of parole. - :]
Stop it, you're making me think.
Just make him eat the same quantity of couscous as a punishment. This is the justest way.
@WassimBerbar said in #13:
> Stop it, you're making me think.
> Just make him eat the same quantity of couscous as a punishment. I think this is the justest way.
I wonder if someone was to be executed for putting pineapple on pizza...what would they do if the condemned ordered pineapple pizza as their 'Last 'Meal' ? - :]
@Skittle-Head said in #14:
> I wonder if someone was to be executed for putting pineapple on pizza...
I wouldn't let that happen. The dude is permitted to eat pineapple on pizza, i just say it's gastrocriminality just as a joke to entertain people in the forums and make them laugh. I would never allow someone to be punished by death for the reason that he ate pizzas with pineapples.
<Comment deleted by user>
Does Parallell Universes exists, or are Quantum Mechanics wrong?
@End_Game_Flame said in #19:
> What do you have against pineapple on pizza?
Don't you feel disgust when you see victimised pineapples being put on pizza forcefully where they don't belong.

@clousems said in #17:
> Gremlins vs Furbies
This is a good example, this is a good debate topic. Everyone knows what's a gremlin and what's a furby, so this is the perfect subject. And this is the only one with the one below that I have no answer to but "The asked doesn't know more than the asker".

@Human77 said in #18:
> Does Parallell Universes exists, or are Quantum Mechanics wrong?
The asked doesn't know more than the asker.

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