
BBC - KFC apologises after German Kristallnacht promotion

> In a statement issued to Newsweek magazine, KFC Germany blamed the message on a bot.
> The fast food chain said the "automated push notification" was "linked to calendars that include national observances".
The term „Pogromnacht“ should be preferred over „Kristallnacht“.
KFC should issue an apology for the food they serve. Period. Disgusting really.
@HerkyHawkeye said in #3:
> KFC should issue an apology for the food they serve. Period. Disgusting really.

The chickens aren't even from Kentucky.
@NGC108N30162 said in #7:
Sorry, I must've mistaken you for someone else. You're that unfunny dude who deletes his account every time his panties get caught in a twist, so of course I shouldn't expect anything worthwhile from you.
@BautznerSenfkorn said in #8:
> Sorry, I must've mistaken you for someone else. You're that unfunny dude who deletes his account every time his panties get caught in a twist, so of course I shouldn't expect anything worthwhile from you.

Correction: I get banned all the time.
There's a difference.
@NGC108N30162 said in #9:
Yeah, after practically begging for it once you get drunk. There's no real incentive to take you seriously, or whatever you say.

What a waste of time.

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