
Ban those who support the war in Ukraine.

Damn it, why won't you just provide me with a quote of my words if you're so sure I'm a defender of war, bloodshed etc.
If you say I am nothing to you, it's a simple insult, are you normally happy to see another person saddened with your insults?
What is B.S. by the way?
Edit: I already know, not mentioning it's another negatively affiliated word usage.
I'm surprised you didn't realise it yet that you're the only aggressive person here.
@Krsna243 said in #1:
> I would say this is not an exaggerated step to make.
> Propagandists, etc get emboldened and continue on. It's useful to put their lies down as has been mentioned, but is it necessary?
> Obviously Lichess has been unimaginably heavy handed in the past, whenever it wishes, so I would definitely propose insta-banning those who say this war is fine, legitimate, etc.

> "Lichess has always advocated vocally for freedom, openness and mutual collaboration. We will always promote and defend these values against those who promote subjugation, opacity, and hostility.
> ...
> * From today (Wednesday 9th March 2022), users with a public and vocal jingoistic pro-war position will no longer be eligible to receive prize money from official Lichess events.
> ...
> * All users are reminded that Lichess has the right to proactively remove access to certain services or features of our website from users who, at our sole discretion, violate our Terms of Service (ToS). This includes the glorification of terrorism, sharing extremist, bigoted, or racist views, and promotion of genocide / war crimes. This should have no impact on the vast majority of our users, from any nation, who follow the Community Guidelines within our ToS."

So, here's what I do. If someone espouses support for Russian aggression, or war, I just click on the " ! " and report it. Eventually the person will be muted and/or banned.
@MaciekLu said in #72:
> What is B.S. by the way?
> Edit: I already know, not mentioning it's another negatively affiliated word usage.

You came in, ALL GUNS BLAZING, defending someone who wrote the most disgusting and pathetic "wink faces", endless, ENDLESS, pathetic and insane innuendo.

You blasted me for having an issue with that freak-loser and his hate-filled posts and YES, THEY WERE EXTREMELY HATEFILLED.

Every post a wink and innuendo? Pure assininity and pure B.S.

You made everything you stand for EXTREMELY clear with your words and actions in this thread.

Yeah, your words have 0 value to me.
Absolutely 0


Don't pretend anything tdifferent or to be in support of Ukraine or ANYTHING like that.

You made your stance PERFECTLY CLEAR.
Yeah, I agree, I showed it clear what I think of this situation, you're absolutely correct with this part.
So where's a part of my speech saying I support bloodshed? Let me guess, you couldn't find it, cause it's nonexistent.
Btw, your "LOLOLOLOLOL" has fairly much as much of a meaning as a winky face does.
Yeah? What des it show?

You defend and promote those who promote war.


I think, beyond the simple hatred and bludgeoning that goes on by the abusive propagandists. Lying is th main thing.

1st you thought he was unresponsive for his actions
2nd you said you were leaving.
<Comment deleted by user>

I apparently hit a nerve with that (half-serious) joke i made. I knew @Krsna243 hate those who doesn't succumb to his opinions (even though he pretends otherwise), but still. And yes, he can say whatever he wants, i frankly couldn't care less of his moronic opinions....(insert winky face here)

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