
Ban those who support the war in Ukraine.

@Krsna243 said in #29:
> Poor Macie,
> For what reason do you defend Putin?
You're constantly changing topics and accusing me of something you're not sure about and something I am not.
Once again, my name is spelled with a k in the end.
You said @MaciekLu said in #30:
> Under what circumstances would he be a sympathizer of Putin... He only said a joke.


You said "he is not responsible for his actions." He is literally towing the party line of Putin.
@Krsna243 said in #32:
> You said
> Eh?
> You said "he is not responsible for his actions." He is literally towing the party line of Putin.
Uhh, where did I say that?
"don't need to punish common people for things they are actually not responsible for."

He and all others who push for this war on this website -- should be banned.
@Krsna243 said in #34:
> "don't need to punish common people for things they are actually not responsible for."
> He and all others who push for this war on this website -- should be banned.
He's not a person I referred to, I meant the Russians. I'm sincerely sorry if you didn't get it. He doesn't push for the war either - writing a joke in a political thread doesn't equal to the support of the invasion.
~25,000 people, give or take as the numbers are not exactly clear, have died within a months time.

I know you are slow, to understand but I am telling you, that is not a small number.

And winking face, smile laugh and jokes about it ----- and not tension relieving but truly psychotic posts about how human lives do not matter.

I have never met anyone as disgusting as the posts you put forth continually. His B.S.?

Abusive and psychotic.
@Krsna243 said in #36:
> ~25,000 people, give or take as the numbers are not exactly clear, have died within a months time.
> I know you are slow, to understand but I am telling you, that is not a small number.
> And winking face, smile laugh and jokes about it ----- and not tension relieving but truly psychotic posts about how human lives do not matter.
You won't realise that I already said I have my sources for statistical information, will you? To me, he quite literally *didn't* say they are responsible for that. Another point we won't agree in, I guess.
@Krsna243 said in #37:
> I have never met anyone as disgusting as the posts you put forth continually. His B.S.?
> Abusive and psychotic.
Yeah, now you're just insulting me personally and imagine what? You're just as bad as the propagandists.
no way we should ban russians
maybe chat bans if people post inhumane stuff or too much fake news and propaganda

if lichess can be a niche where russians get some unrestricted acess to news, ukrainians and russians play chess together and occasionally read each others posts, that can only be good. ideally it can be a counterweight to the brainwashing from official channels.
VPNs were leading russias download charts 10 days after the invasion but who knows if the free ones will keep working, they can be blocked.

quote from cybernews:
>Even though it’s really, really unfair, there are many countries that use online censorship to limit the information that reaches their citizens. For example, China doesn’t allow any access to Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest or Wikipedia. For this reason, VPN usage is widespread in China among natives and tourists alike.

>However, it’s rather difficult to find a VPN that works in China due to strict regulations. And even if you find one that bypasses the Great Firewall of China, you may get fined if the government finds out about that.

>Also, keep in mind that some countries ban VPNs entirely. Don’t try using one in Russia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Turkey, or (oh, the shock) North Korea if you don’t want to risk your freedom.

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