
Ask the Next Person a serious question.

"Serious question..
What is the nature of reality?"


I don't know any serious questions myself.
I'm completely kookoo.
?@Sweet-Child-In-Time said in #22:
> Not sure what to make of that but please enjoy this Donovan song <3
> Serious question..
> What is the nature of reality?
What is Donovan again?
@Mapleshade101 said in #17:
> @CSKA_Moscou
> did Omega die or something
> i think Clone Wars are animated, i kinda watch it
> but not a lot

Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Echo and Crosshair survived. Tech sacrificied himself in the 2nd Season.

I recommend you to watch the S7 of Clone Wars, it's not the most violent season, and the Ashoka arc on Mandalore is pretty interesting regarding to "Revenge of the Sith".
@CSKA_Moscou said in #27:
> Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Echo and Crosshair survived. Tech sacrificied himself in the 2nd Season.
> I recommend you to watch the S7 of Clone Wars, it's not the most violent season, and the Ashoka arc on Mandalore is pretty interesting regarding to "Revenge of the Sith".

Aaand I did not understand a Ŵǒřð of dat