
Anyone played chess on mushrooms?

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That's just insane.
Have you actually ever taken them?
@silkvirm said in #3:
> That's just insane.
> Have you actually ever taken them?
No, but I've heard they enchance some abilities so I'm curious if that may apply to chess. I would do microdosing though (taking very small amount over a period of time) if i ever decide to try.
@nimasterr said in #4:
> No, but I've heard they enchance some abilities so I'm curious if that may apply to chess. I would do microdosing though (taking very small amount over a period of time) if i ever decide to try.
Shrooms as chess doping?
Just try to come up with something better to do with your time.
And screw the microdosing! Hit it hard!
No. But I’ve had chess on toast a few times. It’s a real Crocque, Monsieur.
Like sitting on the mushroom or playing chess on a mushroom (like underneath the chess board). Also can you play chess without a chessboard (not online)

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