
Another good thread!

@salmon_rushdie said in #20:
> You weren't the subsequent poster, only the TeaKitten got cookies! And she ate them in her sleep... so she might not even believe it -_-

ok thats it you get Tayler swift now you shell writhe in your bed mwahahaha i shall buy my own cookies:(((( JK
time to cause some controversy: israel verses hamas. (im unsubbing from this thread now goodbye.)
@ALucasM said in #22:
> time to cause some controversy: israel verses hamas. (im unsubbing from this thread now goodbye.)

ya what?? lol
@ALucasM said in #22:
> time to cause some controversy: israel verses hamas. (im unsubbing from this thread now goodbye.)
You wish you could derail such goodness with such pettiness - what do you think you're the embodiment of fox news?
@salmon_rushdie said in #24:
> You wish you could derail such goodness with such pettiness - what do you think you're the embodiment of fox news?
no. i think imma forumer
@salmon_rushdie said in #1:
> This is a thread to be good to eachother,
> Whoever posts after me gets a pat on the back and some fresh baked cookies

Or is it? Let's talk about math
@LordSupremeChess said in #11:
> Attention my fellow peasants. The troll has arrived.

And dr Livesey is here ! rum and death mean the same thing, so heal yourself by eating good cookies (no rum baba!)

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