
AI on the Algerian war for independence

> It miserably failed 6th grade math test from Singapore.

Can you put the math test? Was it GPT-4 or GPT-3.5? I think the default one is 3.5 which is bad at exams. To be fair, both are still pretty bad at math, but newer ones are better and have better skills at using their plugins like wolfram alpha. If they train another one with the same capability jump and give it plugin access, it will be amazing at every test.
@chessfan124 said in #21:
> Can you put the math test? Was it GPT-4 or GPT-3.5? I think the default one is 3.5 which is bad at exams. To be fair, both are still pretty bad at math, but newer ones are better and have better skills at using their plugins like wolfram alpha. If they train another one with the same capability jump and give it plugin access, it will be amazing at every test.
An average school grade student can pass the exam pretty easily. (Even you!)
It doesn't matter about version.
When whole world was hyped around it, it was terrible at many things and many in fact used it to exploit it's weakness. (In case you are unaware of the memes shared on Internet)
@Akbar2thegreat said in #22:
> An average school grade student can pass the exam pretty easily. (Even you!)
> It doesn't matter about version.
> When whole world was hyped around it, it was terrible at many things and many in fact used it to exploit it's weakness. (In case you are unaware of the memes shared on Internet)
I agree, it doesn't even know how to play chess properly, suggesting illegal moves. The world was hyped for a toy that asks you your phone number and uses your personal data in exchange for a chatbot which never went to school.

@chessfan124 said in #21:
> Can you put the math test? Was it GPT-4 or GPT-3.5? I think the default one is 3.5 which is bad at exams. To be fair, both are still pretty bad at math, but newer ones are better and have better skills at using their plugins like wolfram alpha. If they train another one with the same capability jump and give it plugin access, it will be amazing at every test.

It's a shame you say "Have better skills" and "using plugins like wolframalpha" in the same sentence. I, and about anyone, can create a program that enters inputs through an wolframalpha's API to solve problems, and ask it very hard science and math question. The point of an AI is to learn by itself, not use external application to do the job for it. I can go to wolframalpha and ask it 35+46 and it will give me the result I want.

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