
Addicted To Forums ?

Do you spend more time commenting or creating forum topics than actually playing chess?

Do you have more posts than days playing?

If you answer yes, you might be a forum addict. And if you are reading this now, you just might be addicted to forums as well.

My name is Jim and I'm a forum addict.

And I'm also a chess addict. It's a disease really, It's ruined relationships but alas, I'm hooked on chess. I've rationalized that it's better than playing video games but the reality is, that online chess is a video game. There are levels to the madness I suppose.

One thing I find peculiar is that there are some forum junkies that don't even play chess at all.

They just showed up on Lichess and went directly to commenting and pontificating or asking endless questions, spammed for followers or get all upset in the Off Topic Forums and spend hours crafting replies to those that disagree with their opinions.

It's fascinating really.

Are there any mental health professionals that can explain our addiction to the forums?
It's always seemed rather blinkered to me to think that a chess site is only for playing chess. Why not take some time to chat in congenial company?
@ShAwN1708 said in #3:
> I was gonna say the same MrPushwood

you literally had a 6 hour window of posting it
Actually I cam online before 30 minutes only otherwise the wing was white
@ShAwN1708 said in #5:
> Actually I cam online before 30 minutes only otherwise the wing was white

that means you had a 28 minute window

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