
*** A good TV series

What is a good TV series that you can recommend ?

Something of the sort of LOST or HOUSE ..


The Knick
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones (i start to dislike it towards the end)
I rarely watch TV, simply got to many (sporting) hobbies besides chess. But being a scientist, geek and nerd myself: the Big Bang Theory
If you want a series of free movies and tv episodes from you tube, I recommend the Tales of Zatoichi, from Japan in the mid 60's early 70's. Also Hell on Wheels was great I thought.
I second nh78's recommendations. Some more:

Better Call Saul
Rick and Morty
Black Mirror

Especially Westworld has a kind of "Lost"-feel to it, introducing mystery after mystery.
Thanks a lot !
From the 3 below which one is worthy ?
Breaking Bad
The Big Bang Theory
Black Mirror
They are quite different @amnon105:

- Breaking Bad is one big story (drama, crime, action, thriller) and is often called the best TV show ever.
- The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom (mostly geeky humor) and similar to e.g. Friends you can basically watch any episode any time (although there is a storyline throughout the show).
- Black Mirror has independent, unrelated episodes, each telling its own dark story about how a high-tech future might look.

They're all good in their own ways, and they cannot really be compared.
Thanks thijscom !!

I am looking for something not too long ..

How about Lucifer or Narcos ?
#5 +1 on Rick and Morty. I just started watching it about 2 months ago. I am enjoying watching past shows for the first time. Do you recall if there is a show that has the subject of chess in it? :]
@amnon105 i feel like this is a xy problem. What do you want to achieve? Watch a TV series on your own? In that case, just start with one of the suggested, if you dont like it, watch the next.

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