
Wrong reports!!

Once again, just happened! I need a Lichess mod to answer to me here, but everyone's else opinion is also very welcomed! I was playing hyperbullet, and my opponent missclicked, at least as they stated in the chat and immediately offered me a draw. Since missclicking especially in these time controls is very normal I didn't want to accept the draw thinking that it wasn't really fair play but just an act that is not punishing his chess/bullet mistake... Then they told me they reported me for it! How can I deal with that? No wrong language was used from me or anything, reported for not accepting a draw, and I am scared that my name will be black-listed from getting reported, even FALSLY!

Thank you
If you did nothing wrong - and you certainly did nothing wrong if anything went as you said - you have no reason to worry. I can't imagine you getting into trouble just for not accepting a draw.

In chess games emotions are often running high, especially in short time controls, and some people have trouble accepting that they are not here to invent the rules how others should behave.
I guess, we all would be banned if a false report could lead to it.
You ignore it. Or turn off the chat. Or disable takebacks.

You could report it if they get really over the top, but most people are just venting off in chat, and actually don't report at all - they very well know that what thy claim is nonsense.
They're just trying to scare you

If you did nothing wrong then no action will be taken against you

They're trying to make you irritated and agitated and probably some form of trolling

Just ignore it and carry on

(Or tell them that their report is nonsense and that you don't care
This may make them even more agitated and like pulling an uno reverse)
I agree, but it bothers me to being called unsportsmanlike and getting reported at the same time... Can you report someone for doing that unfairly to you in order to explain better the situation to some mods probably?
Just because someone reported you, doesn't mean Lichess will take action against you automatically.

And if Lichess take any action against you, then you should go to not to forum.

Thread closed since you already got your answer.

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