
worst rated defeats?

I cant find my worst rated defeats... did lichess just make this update?
The commit message explains why. (Just pointing out, not saying that I agree or disagree, I rather don't care much.)
Yep, I can see it missing from my stats as well! I thought it was a bug at first, but now I see this was intentional.
I also had one worst rated defeat against a cheater in Classical 7 years ago. I always wanted Lichess to remove this particular opponent from my list but my request got ignored.

I don't mind worst rated defeats as long as the worst rated defeats were against genuine opponents. Instead, my honest opinion is that any defeat that formed as part of the worst rated defeat against a cheater must not form in this list!

I'm not sure about removing it completely from its entirety. For example I had a 5th worst rated defeat against a cheater. My proposal was that this 5th player that defeated me should be replaced with the 5th worst rated opponent that wasn't a cheater. But any worst rated defeat should've been removed and replaced with worst rated defeat from those that were genuine.

The only problem now is that this looks a little inharmonious since there's a big chunk of white space to the middle and right side of the stats.
I never saw the benefit in having a list of worst rated defeats. This doesn't motivate anybody to play chess. Besides 4 of my 5 worst defeats were marked as cheaters. Such messages only fuel the idea of everybody is using engines at lichess (which isn't the case).

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