
Winner error


I played a game with white and black lost on time. But yet the elo points were taken away from me because the score of the game was reversed: white lost on time. I have a screenshot for proof.
What should I do to report the error?

Thank you...
I had the same issue just now, but I don't have a screenshot.
@Arnaud31320 said in #1:
> Hello,
> I played a game with white and black lost on time. But yet the elo points were taken away from me because the score of the game was reversed: white lost on time. I have a screenshot for proof.
> What should I do to report the error?
> Thank you...
Also @zrpl

This sounds like a disconnection issue where you had internet lag. Your opponent had made a move at some point, but you had a disconnect which is why for you it was displayed as if your opponent's time was running down, for more information, see:
This means that I lost a game that I was going to win given the position. It's not fair...

Thanks anyway for the explanation.
The disconnection FAQ was very helpful. Thanks.
@Arnaud31320 said in #4:
> This means that I lost a game that I was going to win given the position. It's not fair...

Maybe so. But it is not uncommon. :)
@Arnaud31320 said in #4:
> This means that I lost a game that I was going to win given the position. It's not fair...
> Thanks anyway for the explanation.

i recommend refreshing every 30 secs to avoid disconnects
If we refresh (using the F5 key for example) does that not exit the game?
@for_cryingout_loud said in #7:
> i recommend refreshing every 30 secs to avoid disconnects

Refresh every 30 secs? Let's do some math, if one plays a 3 minutes game and both players use most of their time the game will probably last 5 or 6 minutes. If you refresh every 30 secs that's like 10 or 11 refreshes per game.
@MrPushwood said in #6:
> Maybe so. But it is not uncommon. :)

This happened to me too before, except that time I was going to lose anyway. It showed that my opponent lost on time, despite them having 9 minutes and a checkmate in 2 before they somehow didn't make a move for 9 minutes straight. Then, when I refreshed the page I realized I had lost on time and Lichess had simply not shown that my opponent made a move....

It's sad that it probably looked to my opponent like I was stalling, when I was simply waiting for them to make a move.

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