
Which new features are planned ?

@OGeffert said in #8:
> I am a software developer myself (since decades), so I understand that things are always slower than expected. But this NO REACTION policy is not appropriate - even to me.
> There should be someone who communicates here - as a spokesperson of the lichess team.

I don't know what you're talking about, Lichess mods and devs reply to users all the time.
There is a policy of not disclosing what they're working on but I don't think you can claim that they don't listen to the community.

For example there's been a huge demand of having something similar to puzzle rush and readily they made racer, storm and streak. They keep updating the api services which are used a by a good number of players. They're also focusing on improving servers quality and studies features, which is by far one of the greatest features ever made for chess.

Lichess feedback is for reporting bugs and making suggestions, but it's not like every single request must be answered by a member of the team. You just know that someone has read it.
They have to think in terms of benefit/complexity/maintenance value for any request they receive and clearly some things are more worthy than others or just more important.

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