
unlimited time limit

I will disable unlimited rated games. But only for games created in the lobby, games that anybody can join. You will still be able to play rated unlimited games with friends.

Won't be done before a while tho, as I'm going to vacations soon, for one month.
Just put an 8 hour game option please. That way you have a time limit but aren't limited to a 30 minute thinking time like with a 30-30 game. It also stops the people who get upset and just stop playing in unlimited.
Whoops, dunno how I missed the previous update.
Must have flooded the forum new posts box while I was afk or something.

Personally I can't see a need for games longer than 30+30 (that are not "Unlimited") except to get rid of the clock UI from displaying on the page, and that's the reason I prefer keeping the "Unlimited" option.

Indeed, only for casual games though. Because why use "Unlimited" to get the clock off the game UI if the "rated game" text and other elements are on the page? Casual itself would have blended with that purpose a lot more.
Also, it's tough to imagine how this place will be during one month of thibault being gone XD, but I guess we'll get by.
I didn't notice longest time limit is 30/30. Maybe we can just add longer times; maybe 4hrs would be sufficient? I wouldn't know- I can't focus for more than 10mins at a time :/
I can't focus for more than about 10 minutes either :-) The nice thing about unlimited is that you can log out, and log back in the next day (or a week later). I also only play unlimited with people I know. There's too much scope for misunderstandings with people you don't know. My friends and I (on Lichess) can play several moves in real-time, get distracted by other things for minutes/hours, or leave the game for several days. It's not stalling. It's liking that the game is relaxing. We come back to the game when we have little breaks in the other things in our lives. Of course it's important to know that the other person will come back. Only play unlimited with people who know that you will be coming back :-)
From now on we cannot create unlimited rated games in the lobby.
You can still play them with your friends tho.

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