
Time clock cheat.

Just played a game again player Gregmoore. Somehow he was able to play eight moves without losing even one second off his clock. How?
I have never played a single game where my opponnents move registed zero time. Why can I not do the same (on computer or phone)even if I play single move pawn openings?
You play 10-minute games. Most of your opponents won't be too concerned with saving that fraction of a second at the cost of potentially making horrible blunders (like 6. Bf4 in your game - had you played 5...Qf6 instead of Nf6, he would have lost a bishop) so you don't see it used much, especially for consecutive moves.

It's legal because both players are free to do it (and it's not like it interferes with the opponent like it would in an OTB game). Try it: anticipate a capture your opponent might make, and play the recapture in advance.

You can't block premove on Lichess or most sites - ICC is the exception. Many sites have a mininum move time of 0.1 seconds, though.

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