
Tactics from your own games

I think it would be great if we could train tactics that were created exclusively from our own games. Essentially the same as the existing "Learn from your mistakes" but pooled into a private tactics set that you can access from your profile and/or tactics page. The benefit of doing that would obviously be huge. To save processing power, I would suggest to only include those games that have already been analyzed.
Imagine you never play games that create or offer the possibility of a discovered attack.
Do you expect to see it in your own games?

The complexity of your tactics will be stuck at your rating level.

I believe we need to saturate our selves in one positional, tactical or strategical motif manoeuvre at a time, until it becomes natural.

Try this as a test of your knowledge: Write down all the motifs you know. Then find a motif chess list and compare it to see which one was not coming to mind. Those that are not in your list are the ones you need to practice.

Maybe we need to start by having a full list of motifs.

Then have a feature made to compare the list to our lessons learned. A chess insight could then be available to tell you which ones you do not use or the one you use the most. From there you find puzzles that cover your weak points, not your strong points that you see in every game.

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