
Suspensión injusta

Sobre que se me desconectó Internet y pierdo una partida con ventaja (por tercera vez en el día) ustedes me suspenden!!!! Creo que deberían mejorar el sistema que decide las suspensiones, analizar la posición y darse cuenta que en posición ganadora si alguien sale es por problemas de conexión.
We understand your frustration, but temporary play bans for losing connection are necessary, even if you don't disconnect on purpose. It's very annoying to suddenly lose your opponent during a game and we have to discourage it.

The only thing we can suggest to you is that you try to get a better connection or play longer time-control games that are more forgiving of disconnections.
Ping becomes very important when playing ultra bullets.
About me disconnecting the Internet and losing a game with an advantage (for the third time in the day) you suspend me!!!! I think they should improve the system that decides the suspensions, analyze the position and realize that in the winning position if someone comes out it's because of connection problems.

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