
Suggest: Touch-move

Suggestion: Maybe this was already suggested. I seldom have original ideas, but I can't find it in the forum.

In addition to click to move and drag, add click-grab-click-drop.
Once clicked, a piece will stick to the cursor (maybe enlarge slightly to simulate being picked up, and maybe skew a bit additionally). Hi-lite the square under the cursor, and once square is clicked, piece will drop onto it (and return to normal size)

Add an optional touch-move restriction.
Once clicked, a piece can not be dropped back to the square it started from.
If there is no legal square for the piece to be dropped it will drop back to the initial square, but an illegal move counter is increased.
Same principal for a piece that cannot be legally moved. The piece is animated as being picked up and stick to the cursor until the player drops it anywhere on the board.
After 3 illegal moves, player forfeits the game. I think there is a similar fide rule. Adjust it to correspond to the rule.
i like this but not usable at blitz and bullet maybe just for rapid and classical
Why break something that is working fine?

It's easy to misclick, or to select something by accident when activating the browser window. Or touching accidentally on touch screen... seems to be of no real use.

I mean I get it that it might help to hover the piece over the target, or draw arrows on the board, but I think it would be impractical, especially when the time runs short, and one needs to select pieces very rapidly.
"Why break something that is working fine?" - Please don't :)
It would have been nice to have the option to play touch-move like OTB.

"Or touching accidentally on touch screen..."
Granted - I don't see it working on touch screen.

"seems to be of no real use."
Probably not. More game experience related than practical as such. Approximating OTB experience, that's all.

"especially when the time runs short, and one needs to select pieces very rapidly."
You're right - it would be a step away from typical online play towards an OTB feel. Fumbling and knocking pieces over in a time scramble.

Ah well, it was worth the trouble to get your opinion. It would probably have been only me who would have used it :)
(argh, what a sentence. @mrpushwood grammar check?)
It would also only make sense in 3D.
Strange, when I look at your pop-up it shows "32,076 games 5 years ago"
yet you have been active much more recently!

#5 Stephen that was probably where I saw it - oh what a cruel joke that was, get me all excited, and then dump me :=(

Oh, I think that means "32,076 games JOINED 5 years ago"
@b4c4d2 said in #6:
> Oh, I think that means "32,076 games JOINED 5 years ago"
Yes, it does. And, yes, the way it's shown _is_ quite confusing.
Has FIDE ever specified that "touch move" does not apply in online chess? Otherwise, why not apply a standard rule of chess.

In standard chess though if you touch a piece that has no legal moves, there is no penalty. (A long time ago there was).

Obviously there is no 'j'adoube' in online chess.

Right clicking (to draw lines) should not be considered touching for this purpose (as you can't move a piece this way)
@earlpurple said in #8:
> Right clicking (to draw lines) should not be considered touching for this purpose (as you can't move a piece this way)
It was mentioned because it would be a violation of another FIDE rule which forbids using any notes (except the standard game record).
Drawing the lines on the board is normally done by streamers to indicate their thoughts. They are not stored as such so would not be "making notes" the FIDE way.

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