
Study importing PGN from chapter: annotation attribution question

https:// / @ / ANNOTATOR

ANNOTATOR is placeholder for username creator of study from which chapter was exported as PGN, and then imported into a study of mine. Instead of simply the user name and the move: i get that.

I had to put spaces in the second line, as it does not get parsed as link in the study annotation under-board text box.

I was wondering whether lichess could parse it as original when in lichess studies.
Why is it not simply the lichess annotator username?

I induce that it might be for keeping track outside of lichess, where that PGN might end up, and that would be fine, but couldn't lichess own study parse that back as it could see that it is from lichess?

This an old thing. I just came upon it again. And thought: why not make a record of it...
I understand it not being a priority, but it exists, and this user likes the bold annotator format. :)
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