
Stop playing with the new delete feature

Yeah I agree, it is annoying, but I do believe people should be able to take back something they said. Maybe they could implement a limit on deletes, like 2 per week, that way people would use it more conservatively.
Or maybe they could make it so it doesn't show "post deleted", it would just go away completely. That way we wouldn't be annoyed by it because we wouldn't even know anything had been posted in the first place.
@djungelskog That latter idea does beg the question of what ought to happen if someone creates a new thread and then deletes the initial post before anyone comments. Should the entire thread disappear in that instance? And if so, given that threads are placed under their own unique URL, what should happen if someone attempts to access that URL again? (I would presume your answer would be "Redirect to Lichess 404 page, and then reuse URL if someone else creates a thread by the same name," but then that could potentially run into issues regarding chronology. For instance, if a user creates "Thread A"#1, another user creates "Thread A"#2, and the first user then deletes "Thread A"#1, a new user attempting to create a thread with the same name would have it saved under "Thread A"#1 despite being created after "Thread A"#2. And the alternative--permanently redirecting the deleted URL and never using it again--is just wasteful in my opinion.)
@Nel_S That's a really good point! Unfortunately I have 0 experience in web design so I am not aware of potential solutions. As @KOcheckmate mentioned, perhaps the first post in a thread would be impossible to delete. Or maybe you could only delete comments in a thread you created after a certain amount of time, or after someone else comments.
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I fail to understand the need for this feature in the first place. If an individual wishes to rescind a comment he made, he can repurpose the "edit" feature to do so. If he doesn't wish to have his comment read, he can use self-restraint and not post in the first place. Seeing "comment deleted by user"wastes space, both in terms of the page layout (why do users need to see this?
I'd prefer the whole comment disappear, as occurs when a mod deletes a comment), and especially in terms of the "50 post" rule.
Most of cases I have seen involving post deletion have been people just deleting their own posts just to be dumb (pun intended).
<Comment deleted by user>

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