
stockfish elo display

I've seen youtube videos of people playing against stockfish and stockfish's rating is shown next to the stockfish's username.
for whatever reason, when I click "play against the computer", I can never see stockfish's rating when i play against it

can someone please tell me what to do so i can see stockfish's rating when i play against it?
I'm pretty sure that the ratings for stockfish were removed a while ago. If I remember correctly, the ratings were as follows:

Stockfish Level 1 - 800
Stockfish Level 2 - 1100
Stockfish Level 3 - 1400
Stockfish Level 4 - 1700
Stockfish Level 5 - 2000
Stockfish Level 6 - 2300
Stockfish Level 7 - 2700
Stockfish Level 8 - 3000

This list is from an old forum post of mine from two years ago on my old account, so the ratings may have changed since then and before their removal.
@itsLani said in #2:
> I'm pretty sure that the ratings for stockfish were removed a while ago. If I remember correctly, the ratings were as follows:
> Stockfish Level 1 - 800
> Stockfish Level 2 - 1100
> Stockfish Level 3 - 1400
> Stockfish Level 4 - 1700
> Stockfish Level 5 - 2000
> Stockfish Level 6 - 2300
> Stockfish Level 7 - 2700
> Stockfish Level 8 - 3000
> This list is from an old forum post of mine from two years ago on my old account, so the ratings may have changed since then and before their removal.

why did they remove the ratings?
I believe they removed the ratings when they changed all of the strengths.
@mcgoves said in #4:
> I believe they removed the ratings when they changed all of the strengths.
so, regarding the other dude who wrote all of those ratings in this thread, are the ratings no longer accurate?
@kwn111 said in #5:
> are the ratings no longer accurate

Well, I doubt they were EVER accurate. Plus they were in Elo (presumably FIDE), which is of limited use here.

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