

Hi everyone:)

I would like to suggest a new feature. I play for a year now and the graph for the rating looks very messy with all the variations showing.
I would love to see an implementation of a button to hide or show variations. Shouldn't be too hard and it helps to simplify keeping track of ones rating and also enhance motivation by having a better overview.

Thank you! See you on the board sometime :)
I think this is more or less already implemented. Just under the main rating graph with all variations, you can choose to only display a certain period of time by dragging a sort of box to the left or right. There, you also see fluctuation of your rating, but without all vartiations (in one fluent line)
I agree with sigmaphi, the rating graph can get messy.

A simple set of buttons to toggle which variants are visible would be a nice addition.

The time period buttons / scroll are already good and functional.
Thank you both for your answers!

@Lieven this i already know. But I'd like to have a better view on my blitz rating for example and really hide all other variations.
Because when I want to look at my overall progress it gets really messy with all the games and variations coming together it just isn't practical anymore.
@sigmaphi: Ah, i see what you mean now. You're right about that, it can indeed get messy, certainly if you've already played many variants. Good point.
Thank you :)

Hopefully someone who is capable to implement this will read this and maybe we will see it in the future. Gotta love lichess haha

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