
remove the limit of team messages


As I said, you shouldn't punish the team for the individual annoyance with the number of messages, you have the option to leave or subscribe from messages.

If an individual finds important in what a team offers, they should happily accept the minor inconvenience they receive from those extra messages or kindly ask the team itself to limit the number of messages they send or leave the team.

Instead, you think it is right to restrict every single team out there, and you may be a team leader, but apparently, not one who uses the team message feature, but my team is a simuls team, and this restriction is massively affecting us.
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it's techniclly not your team it is kookagin's team and you are just a team leader like me.
but you are right it is massivly affecting us
Hoje não conseguimos jogar o torneio por falta de jogadores, devido esses limites de mensagens com isso não foi possível enviar as mensagens aos membros da equipe, isso é ruim, por favor retirem o limite de mensagens as equipes ou estipulem qual seria o limite por mensagens as equipes para termos o controle por favor obrigado

Today we were unable to play the tournament due to lack of players, due to these message limits, it was not possible to send messages to team members, this is bad, please remove the message limit for teams or stipulate what the message limit would be. the teams to have control please thank you
I am still awaiting Mr Tommy chess's amazing formula for organising tournaments and so on without sending even 1 team message :)
Posted what ?

If Tommy Chess has a magic formula to do all this without sending even 1 team message I would love to hear it

However, as he has chosen not to reveal this unto me.....I rather think he has........ nothing !
2 boxes above the team messages box there is a box saying create a new tournament Click It and then create a tournament
then if anyone visits the simuls for everyone home page they will see a tournament and plus I visit it frequently so you can schedule the tourney 1 day after you create it. I Hope You Understand Kookagin

As of my experience in Lichess, I have noticed many team leaders send the same messages with Copy-Paste.

Example: X team has 5 leaders. X leader sends a message. Another leader sends the same message again.

That's why Lichess had updated the team message limit. Also, I have noticed that from the last 2nd limit, leaders are creating multiple accounts for sending more team messages, because, the that limit stated, "Every leader can send like 5-7 messages per day".

So, that's first of all, not a moronic decision.

•It reduces the spamming.
•It reduces creating more accounts.

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