A message from a moderator would promulgate information in a more unambiguous way.
As for the not-inviting-discussion part, closing the thread won't help because players will just create new threads. I hope that sounds familiar.
I agree, a message from a moderator would disambiguate; not that it's my position to tell moderators what to do.
As for not-inviting-discussion, newly created threads could be deleted while leaving the original thread intact. I hope you are familiar with how online forums work.
Sometimes threads turn to the dark side. Closing them allows us to stop the transformation before it turns into an unstoppable sith lord.
Lichess promotes open discussion, but sometimes discussions escalate. Closing a forum thread can sometimes be less intrusive than removing comments, and/or chat restricting users.
To be clear, I do not at all disagree with closing threads. On the contrary, I think the moderators don't close nearly enough of them. Blindly promoting open discussion can distract from the point of promoting open discussion.
My point was that "players will just create new threads" is not a valid argument against closing threads.
Well imo it kinda is. Take this thread fex. It started out as a thread about the resign button. It evolved into a discussion of censorship. Imo the thread still has a value even though it is no longer true to its topic.
If we closed threads just because we didn't like the topic or discussion you can bet 10 more would pop up.
But if a thread starts going in the wrong direction, closing it could give people time to calm down and think. It also sends a message about what is acceptable. But imo the less censorship the better. Even "stupid" discussions can be productive. And as long as people are somewhat getting along I can't really see why we should spoil their fun.
"If we closed threads just because we didn't like the topic or discussion you can bet 10 more would pop up."
I'm not suggesting that. Threads that break (explicit or implicit) rules should be closed though.
"I can't really see why we should spoil their fun."
To prevent public shaming, mob mentality and witch-hunting? To maintain some semblance of order?
The moderation of these forums appalls me, and I don't think this is just a clash of philosophies. And it is with this post that I believe I am diverging too far from the original topic and am just complaining about moderation, so I will stop now.
Public shaming, mob mentality and witch hunting does result in threads being closed, and sometimes the perpetrator faces other repercussions. We try to keep the forums clean, but it can be hard with over 22000 users. That is why we have a report button.
I agree. Report button very good!
"I think players will win more games if they stop resigning, so resign button should be removed. Thanks"
Many chess players resign way too early so you have good idea. However the chance of it be implemented is zero.
"On the contrary. People should mostly learn to resign earlier. When you are playing at a certain level it's just rude to play on."
I don't think it's rude. I appreciate the opportunity to practice how fast I can finish the game.
I have seen a game between 2 very strong players. The losing side would not resign. The player who had an easy win got careless and there was a stalemate.
Another game I watched, 2 strong players, one had an easy win. The loser would not resign. I appreciated that because I learned something about endgames.
Chess players with very little experience should never resign because then they can learn how to win.
I usually resign but only after it's totally hopeless. Sometimes I play until the end. If anyone complains they get blocked.
Numerous times I have lost my queen but I still won the game. Most people would just give up and I think that's wrong.