
Rematch button is hit-and-miss

That's why it terminates rematching so you can't keep up with it as easily. The potential is removed to begin with unless you purposefully rematch the same person, which *is* sandbagging in that case.
Thank you for the clarification.

I'd argue that it isn't sandbagging without "intent". If I play 30 games of 0+1 against someone, and they don't get their first couple of moves in on a couple of occasions, it is rather different to someone playing, for example, 10+0 and letting the clock run down or resigning after their opening.

Nonetheless, point taken.
I have experienced the same problem a few times in the last days. Rematch button is just not there. Never had this before and I was really wondering.
@ unihedron: could you please explain, what does it mean "the system suspects possible sandbagging / boosting". I don't understand.
I don't think it's sandbagging detection though - this has also happened after just one game vs an opponent, and after a decent number of moves
Yes, with me always just after one game, this is why I didn't understand this idea of sandbagging / boosting
The idea is that some people purposefully lose games in order to deflate their ratings in order that they gain more points when they play a weaker opponent - something that with Glicko2 seems to me a bizarre idea. The other thing can be if someone is artificially inflating their ratings by playing against a second account or a friend, and getting that opponent to resign immediately.

Again though - as soon as an artificially inflated score is subject to inspection against a good player, it will be undone... so it seems pointless to me.
Okay, but with me it were just completely normal games, played to the end, and no rematch button already after just one game. I think this cannot be the explanation. And it is something new, never saw it before, but now a few times.
This is stupid. I play atomic 0+1 and there games often finish in 4-5 moves. And I can't play normally! Becasue there is no rematch button. SO i need to wait 10 minutes before every 0+1 game to play for 10 sec! What a waste of time!!!
And it's only for games where 4-5 moves. But for atomic it's normal, especially for 0+1. You must cancel it for atomic chess. The most fast variant.
Explaining more clearly:
In any variants (standard, antichess, trheecheck, Koth, horde) it's almost impossible to win in 4-5 moves if you play fairly, without sandbagging, even if the opponent is bad and does stupid moves. There will be more than 5 moves in a game.
But in atomic even if opponent is good, he cal lose in 5 moves, just because of lines he doesn't expect. It's atomic! Another rules. It's the spesiality of atomic. You can lose in 5 moves, playing fair, without sandbagging! SO please answer me, and cancel it for atomic. I'm tired to wait! Will I be able to play today?

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