
rehacer jugadas

Yo creo que rehacer jugadas es impropio del ajedrez y lo desvirtúa. No debería existir en Lichess esa posibilidad.
Casos en que por cortesía se le permite a un jugador rehacer una mala jugada y luego resulta el "ganador" de la partida.
No existe la posibilidad de rehacer jugadas en el verdadero ajedrez.

"I think redoing moves is improper in chess and detracts from the game. Lichess shouldn't have this possibility. If a move is allowed to be undone out of courtesy, then the player granting the redo should be the winner of the game. There is no possibility for redoing moves in true chess."

This is an option you can turn off, plus there's no obligation to accept a takeback request.

Es una opcion que usted puede desactivar en las preferencias.
Thank you very much Phyisis for your translation into English of my post.
In online chess mouse slips happen. I think it's the only reason to have a redo.
But it's true that people abuse the feature to rectify their blunders or even distract their opponent.

I don't know if there is a way to allow the first by means that disallow the latter. Perhaps a redo may only effect the same piece by only one square of difference moved? Than mouse slips like c2c4 instead of d2d4 could not be corrected, but that could be ok.
Excuse me but I did no t refer to mouse slips, that Ok, but only to change a move to another one absolutely diferent then takinng unmerited advantage, but i saw is a relatevely common procedure in Lichess.

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